原则 | 含义
科学性 | 规划编制要以科学的态度和方法为基础,充分考虑旅游资源、社会经济条件、市场需求等因素。
前瞻性 | 规划要立足当下,着眼未来,考虑旅游业发展的长期趋势和目标。
可操作性 | 规划要切实可行,符合实际情况和技术可行性,以便顺利实施。
协同性 | 规划要与其他相关规划协调一致,如经济发展规划、土地利用规划等。
可持续性 | 规划编制要考虑生态环境保护、资源节约、文化传承等因素,促进旅游业可持续发展。
步骤 | 内容
调查和分析 | 搜集和分析旅游资源、市场需求、社会经济条件等资料,为规划提供基础。
目标设定 | 明确规划期内旅游业发展的目标和愿景,包括客源市场、旅游人数、收入规模等。
规划设计 | 根据目标和调查分析结果,提出旅游产品开发、市场营销、基础设施建设等具体措施。
评价和调整 | 对规划方案进行评价和优化,确保其科学性、可行性和可持续性。
报批和实施 | 按照规定向相关主管部门报批,并组织实施。
类型 | 特征
观光旅游 | 以参观风景名胜、历史遗迹为主。
度假旅游 | 以休闲放松、享受自然风光为主。
会议展览旅游 | 以参加会议、展览等商务活动为主。
体育旅游 | 以从事体育运动、健身为目的。
文化旅游 | 以了解和体验当地文化、习俗为主。
朝圣旅游 | 以宗教信仰、参拜圣地为主。
邮轮旅游 | 以乘坐邮轮游览海滨风光为主。
购物旅游 | 以购买商品、享受购物乐趣为主。
项目 | 内容
单项旅游区容量 | 根据旅游资源承载能力和游客服务需求,确定特定旅游区的最大游客数量。
区域旅游容量 | 综合考虑区域旅游资源、基础设施、社会经济条件等因素,确定区域旅游业发展的最大规模。
环境容量 | 以生态环境保护为目标,确定旅游活动对环境所能承受的负荷限度。
社会容量 | 考虑当地居民的社会文化承受能力,确定旅游业发展对社区的影响程度。
难点 | 对策
资源有限 | 优化资源利用,合理开发,保护和利用集散游览中心、住宿设施、餐饮设施、购物场所、游览交通、游乐设施、安全设施、卫生设备、旅游商品和旅游项目等资源。
资金不足 | 创新融资方式,吸引社会資本。To promote and attract private capital, financial organizations should promote the establishment of tourism development funds and assume the leading role in providing circulation fund loans and venture capital loans for tourism projects. Cultural administrative departments can summarize and promote the operational experience of key cultural industries at home and abroad, actively explore investment models with low cost and high efficiency and conduct research and policy innovation on cultural industries development financing. Governments can introduce policies for priority lending and tax incentives, and actively encourage banks and other financial institutions to provide financial support for the tourism industry.
技术落后 | 加强技术推广,提升专业水平。In order to give full play to the role of science and technology in promoting tourism economic development, governments should actively promote the popularization and application of science and technology in the fields of ecological restoration, resource conservation and tourism development. Tourism administrative departments should keep abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments in the tourism industry and make use of scientific and technological achievements to improve tourism quality and promote tourism consumption.
管理薄弱 | 严格规划管理,提升监管水平。To improve tourism planning regulations, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive tourism planning system, and establish strict tourism planning procedures and standards to ensure that tourism planning meets the requirements of economic and social development. It is necessary to comprehensively control the quality of tour guides and scenic spots via the market, as well as the mana class for urban accommodations ranging from star level hotels to hostels to improve the overall quality of tourism consumption.