名称 | 简介 |
仙掌岩 | 山崖峭壁上突兀而出的巨岩,形似一只巨大的仙掌,傲然挺立。 |
蝌蚪岩 | 形状酷似蝌蚪的岩石,栩栩如生,引人遐想。 |
将军岩 | 形似武将的巨岩,威风凛凛,气宇轩昂。 |
犀牛望月 | 一块酷似犀牛头部的巨石,俯瞰山谷之中的清澈湖泊,颇有望月思乡之感。 |
南天门 | 景区内的险要关隘,两侧悬崖峭壁,中间有一线天,绝处逢生。 |
茗湖烟雨 | 山间的一处湖泊,烟雾缭绕,宛若仙境,令人流连忘返。 |
慈帆远眺 | 一块造型奇特的巨石,形似一艘帆船,昂首远眺,令人心旷神怡。 |
太白梦游处 | 传说是唐代大诗人李白梦游天姥山留下的足迹,颇具文化意蕴。 |
丹霞奇观 | 色彩斑斓的丹霞地貌,奇峰异石,层叠交错,宛若上帝打翻的调色盘。 |
洞中别有天 | 风景区内的一处溶洞,内有奇石、险峰、流水、钟乳石,令人大开眼界。 |
特点 | 体现 |
幽深 | Canyon-like gorges with steep cliffs and lush vegetation, creating a sense of seclusion and tranquility. |
清澈 | Crystal-clear streams with sparkling water flowing over smooth rocks, reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding foliage. |
奇险 | Dramatic waterfalls cascading down sheer cliffs, forming natural pools and creating a symphony of sights and sounds. |
多样 | A diverse range of canyon and stream formations, from narrow ravines to wider, more open valleys, offering a variety of scenic experiences. |
生态 | A rich ecosystem inhabited by a wide variety of flora and fauna, including rare and endangered species, providing insights into the region's biodiversity. |
特点 | 体现 |
形态多样 | Diverse shapes and forms, from towering columns to delicate pinnacles, creating a visually captivating landscape. |
质地独特 | A variety of rock textures, including smooth surfaces, jagged edges, and porous formations, adding to the visual interest. |
地质奇观 | Exhibiting significant geological processes, such as erosion, weathering, and volcanic activity, providing insights into the region's geological history. |
文化意蕴 | Many of the奇岩怪石 are associated with local legends and folklore, adding a layer of cultural significance to the natural beauty. |
媒体展示 | Frequently featured in movies, TV shows, and other media productions, highlighting their aesthetic appeal and cultural importance. |
特点 | 体现 |
山清水秀 | Surrounded by verdant mountains and pristine waters, creating a picturesque and serene environment. |
气候宜人 | Mild and pleasant climate with distinct seasons, offering comfortable conditions for visitors throughout the year. |
植被丰富 | Lush vegetation, including ancient trees, flowering shrubs, and aromatic herbs, providing a diverse and vibrant natural tapestry. |
空气清新 | Clean and fresh air, free from pollution, rejuvenating the body and mind. |
生态平衡 | A well-preserved ecosystem with abundant wildlife, including endangered species, showcasing the region's ecological diversity. |
亮点 | 体现 |
唐代诗仙 | Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai visited神仙居and wrote the famous poem "Dream Journey to Heaven-姥Mountain Farewell", immortalizing its beauty in literature. |
宋代名刹 | During the Song Dynasty, Xuebao Chan Master founded Xiyant Temple in神仙居, which became a renowned Buddhist center. |
元代道观 | In the Yuan Dynasty, Daoist Zhang Sanfeng founded Taihua Temple in神仙居, further enhancing its religious significance. |
清代景观 | In the Qing Dynasty,神仙居was officially designated as a scenic spot, attracting numerous scholars and officials to visit and admire its beauty. |
现代开发 | In 1998,神仙居was officially opened to the public, becoming a popular tourist destination both domestically and internationally. |