Zunyi, once the center of great historical significance - here the "Zunyi Meeting" occurred, paused destiny's hand from cutting the young revolution's thread, charting instead a new path. And now, here's to the places surrounding this pivotal city, where natural wonders, traces of history, and a dash of modern flair intertwine.
Step into the 赤水丹霞 National Geological Park, a wild and breathtaking realm of strangely shaped mountains, each tinted by an extraordinary riot of colors. And what a fantastic canvas nature has painted here, with vermilion, saffron, and oxblood hues mingling under the grand sweep of the sky. These sandstone formations, chiseled by eons of erosion, stand as silent witnesses to the earth's volatile yet artistic past.
Immerse yourself in this natural masterpiece, let the surreal vistas captivate you, marveling at the sheer spectacle of nature's creative force. Trek through the park's canyons, stand dwarfed by the towering cliffs, and absorb the symphony of colors that dance before your eyes. Here's a glimpse into the vibrant chromatic explosion that awaits you:
景 | 特色 |
赤水峡谷 | 石林奇峰参差 林立,灰岩壁立千仞,河水碧绿如翡翠,赤壁丹崖相映成趣。 |
四洞沟 | 千姿百态的溶洞幽深而宁静,清流蜿蜒其间,瀑布飞流直下,构成一幅绝妙的山水画卷。 |
天星洞 | 洞内钟乳石玲珑剔透,晶莹剔透,犹如繁星点点,因此得名天星洞。 |
云门寺 | 依崖而建,依山就势,飞檐翘角,古朴典雅,是贵州省内保存最完好的古建筑群之一。 |
竹海公园 | 漫步竹林之中,竹影婆娑,空气清新怡人,让人心旷神怡,洗涤心灵。 |
Now, let's venture underground, into the labyrinthine depths of the Shuanghe Cave, a national geological park. A subterranean wonderland, 双河洞 is one of China's largest and most spectacular karst caves. It possesses an awe-inspiring underground river that weaves its way through a maze of stalactites, stalagmites, and other captivating rock formations.
Embark on a boat trip along the subterranean river, marveling at the shimmering water and the surreal subterranean landscapes that pass by. Admire the myriad shapes and forms that adorn the cave's interior - delicate veils, towering columns, and bizarre sculptures, each a testament to the patient artistry of nature.
景 | 特色 |
双河地下河 | 长达8公里,是目前世界上已知的最长的洞穴地下河,乘船游览,可见奇峰、怪石、溶洞,令人惊叹不已。 |
千柱宫 | 洞内有数千根石柱,高耸入云,蔚为壮观,宛如一座地下宫殿。 |
水晶宫 | 洞内布满了晶莹剔透的石笋,在灯光的照耀下熠熠生辉,犹如一座水晶宫殿。 |
瑶池 | 洞内有一个地下湖泊,碧波荡漾,清澈见底,湖面上倒映着钟乳石的倒影,美不胜收。 |
瀑布厅 | 洞内有一条瀑布,飞流直下,声势浩大,令人心旷神怡。 |
叠彩洞天 | 洞顶和洞壁上布满了彩色的钟乳石,层层叠叠,五彩缤纷,堪称大自然的调色盘。 |
Time to surface and journey to the historic town of Moutai, nestling on the banks of the 赤水河. As the birthplace of the world-renowned Moutai liquor, this town exudes an intoxicating fragrance that has permeated its every corner.
Stroll along the ancient streets, admiring the traditional architecture that has stood the test of time. Visit the Moutai Distillery, delve into the fascinating history of this iconic liquor, and witness the traditional酿酒(brewing)process. Take a sip of this legendary spirit and savor its rich, complex flavor - a symphony of aromas and tastes that has captivated connoisseurs for centuries.
景 | 特色 |
茅台酒厂 | 参观酒厂,了解茅台酒的悠久历史和酿造工艺,亲身体验酿造过程,品尝醇香的茅台酒。 |
白酒一条街 | 街道两旁林立着各式各样的白酒专卖店,汇聚了茅台、郎酒、习酒等知名白酒品牌,可尽情畅饮贵州美酒。 |
Moutai Town Museum | 展示了茅台酒的历史文化,茅台镇的风土人情,以及茅台酒的生产工艺。可以深入了解茅台酒的渊源和魅力。 |
赤水河 | 乘船游览赤水河,观赏两岸的山水美景,感受贵州的山水风情。 |
桐梓古城 | 位于茅台镇附近,是一座保存完好的明清古城,城内有古街、古建筑和非物质文化遗产展示,可以領略古城的历史风貌。 |
Now, we step back in time to the Zunyi Conference Venue, a place where the tide of the Chinese revolution turned. It was here, in 1935, that the Communist Party of China held a pivotal meeting that reshaped its destiny.
Explore the preserved buildings where momentous decisions were made, immerse yourself in the historical context, and gain a profound understanding of the significance of this site. Let the echoes of the past resonate within you, and appreciate the role this place played in shaping the course of history.
景 | 特色 |
遵义会议会址 | 包括会议旧址、陈列馆和紀念 park,全面展示了遵义会议的历史意义和影响。 |
遵义会议纪念馆 | 展示了遵义会议的准备、召开和意义,以及中共领导人的革命斗争事迹。 |
朱德旧居 | 参观朱德的旧居,了解他的生平事迹和革命贡献。 |
红军街 | 街道两旁是仿古建筑,汇聚了特色小吃、工艺品和纪念品,可以领略遵义的红色文化和民俗风情。 |
娄山关 | 位于遵义市郊,是红军长征途中的一处重要战役遗址,可以缅怀革命先烈,重温那段峥嵘岁月。 |
Our journey continues to the Lou Mountain Pass, a place that witnessed fierce battles during the Red Army's Long March. Here, amidst the rugged terrain, the Red Army fought valiantly against overwhelming odds, securing a crucial victory that boosted their morale.
Stand on the heights of the pass, feel the weight of history beneath your feet, and marvel at the sheer determination and resilience of those who fought here. Let the monuments and memorials scattered around the pass transport you back to that tumultuous era, a time of sacrifice, bravery, and unwavering spirit.
景 | 特色 |
娄山关战役旧址 | 包括娄山关战斗遗址、纪念碑和陈列馆,展示了娄山关战役的经过和意义。 |
娄山关红军烈士陵园 | 埋葬着在娄山关战役中牺牲的红军烈士,可以缅怀革命先烈,学习他们的革命精神。 |
娄山关大峡谷 | 风景秀丽,奇峰异石,瀑布飞流,可以感受大自然的壮美和神奇。 |
八卦田 | 位于娄山关附近,是一片错落有致的梯田,形成了八卦图案,堪称农业奇观。 |
太平桥 | 位于娄山关下,是一座古色古香的石拱桥,见证了红军长征的足迹。 |